C++ Programming Logo
COSC 1436.43681 - Lecture
Programming Fundamentals I
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Instructor: David Kirk
Summer 2024   6/3/2024 - 7/5/2024
9:40 - 11:00am L311 Eastfield
Various Resources
Installing Code::Blocks on Windows and running a C++ program
Create, Compile, and Run C++ on Mac using TextMate and the Terminal

Online C++ Compiler  |  Syntax Highlighter  |  w3schools.com C++ Tutorial
Arduino / NeoPixel  | Build a Line Following Robot  |  sol.exe  |  cards.dll
C++ Online Book by David Kirk
Chapter 1 - Programming Terminology    Video
Chapter 2 - Binary    Video
Chapter 4 - Hello World    Video
Chapter 5 - Cout Statement    Video
Chapter 6 - Variables    Video
Chapter 7 - Constants
Chapter 8 - Cin Statement    Video
Chapter 9 - If...Else Statement    Video
Chapter 10 - Switch Statement
Chapter 11 - Using Libraries and Functions    Video
Chapter 12 - While Loop    Video
Chapter 13 - For Loop    Video
Chapter 14 - Arrays    Video
Chapter 15 - String    Video
Chapter 16 - Writing Functions    Video
Chapter 17 - Variable Scope
Chapter 18 - File Input and Output    Video
Chapter 19 - Random Numbers    Video
Chapter 21 - Bells & Whistles
Class Calendar - last updated June 26, 2024
Week 1
June 3
Discuss Syllabus and Class

History of Computers

Chapter 1 - Programming Terminology
Chapter 2 - Binary
Week 1
June 4
Introduce Online C++ Compiler

Run "Hello World".  Discuss the parts of a C++ program.

Chapter 4 - Hello World
Chapter 5 - Cout Statement

Review Homework 1
Week 1
June 5

Chapter 6 - Variables
Chapter 7 - Constants
Chapter 8 - cin statement

Homework 1 due June 5
Week 1
June 6

Review Homework 2

Chapter 11 - U
sing Functions
Chapter 9 - If Statement

Look at If Statement Exercises Part 1
Look at If Statement Exercises Part 2

Homework 2 due June 8

Review for Exam 1 - Practice Test #1

Exam 1 on Ecampus due June 9
- Chapters 1,2,4,5,6,7,8 - history of computers, programming, binary, cout statement, cin statement, variables, constants

Week 2
June 10
Chapter 12 - While Loop  While Loop Simulator

Review Homework 3

Week 2
June 11

Chapter 13 - For Loop  For Loop Simulator

Review Homework 4

Week 2
June 12

Special class project:  Arduino and NeoPixel

Homework 3 due June 12

Week 2
June 13
Special class project:  Arduino and NeoPixel

Homework 4 due June 15

Review for Exam 2 - Practice Test #2

Exam 2 on Ecampus due June 16
- Chapters 9,11,12,13 - if statement, libraries and functions, while loop, for loop
Week 3
June 17

Chapter 19 - Random Numbers

Week 3
June 18
Chapter 14 - Arrays

Look at Array Exercises
Week 3
June 19

Chapter 18 - File Input/Output

Review Homework 5

Week 4
June 20
Chapter 15 - Strings

Look at string exercises1

Homework 5 due June 20

Week 4
June 24

Chapter 16 - Writing functions

Week 4
June 25
Review Homework 6
Week 4
June 26
Discuss Homework 7

Homework 6 due June 26

June 28, 2023 is the last day to Withdraw
Week 4
June 27

Discuss Homework 7

Example Student HW 7 Programs

How to get started with HW 7

Week 5
July 1
Optional Presentations of Homework 7

Homework 7 due July 1

Review for Exam 3 - Practice Test #3

Week 5
July 2
No Class

Exam 3 on Ecampus due July 3
- Chapters 14 (arrays), 15 (strings), 16 (writing functions), 18 (file input/output), 19 (random numbers)