Homework 2

Submit the .cpp source code file(s) on Ecampus.

Each .cpp program should have comments at the top that include your name, homework number, and what the program does.

(1) Write a program that prints the ASCII Art elephant shown below.

(2) Write a program that prompts the user to enter three numbers, then prints the sum and product of these numbers.

(3) Write a program that prompts the user to enter a radius.  Using this radius, print the area of a circle, volume of a sphere, and surface are of a sphere.

It is o.k. to combine these 3 problems into a single .cpp program.  This .cpp file must be compilable - only one main() function.

Below is a sample output for this homework assignment.

Program 1 Output

           /  \~~~/  \    
     ,----(     ..    ) 
    /      \__     __/   
   /|         (\  |(
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     |__|   |__|-"    `97

Program 2 Output
This program calculates the sum and product of three numbers.
Enter the first number: 2.1
Enter the second number: 3
Enter the third number: 5.5
The sum of these three numbers is 10.6
The product of these three numbers is 34.65

Program 3 Output
This calculates the area of a circle, volume of a sphere, and surface area of a sphere.
Enter a radius in inches: 3.3
Area of a circle is 34.21 square inches
Volume of a sphere is 150.53 cubic inches
Surface area of a sphere is 136.85 square inches