Kirk's Crossword        Puzzles Solved (all players)
 Feb 14 Friday Puzzle 1
Puzzle 2
Puzzle 3
 Feb 13 Thursday Puzzle 1
Puzzle 2
Puzzle 3
 Feb 12 Wednesday Puzzle 1
Puzzle 2
Puzzle 3

My crossword puzzle project is ongoing and long-term. Enjoy the daily puzzles in a lightweight UI with no logins, ads, or pop-ups.  Stay tuned - I'm hard at work adding words and new features.  The word database size is 3000 and growing.  Share with your friends!

 COSC 1436-82703   Programming 1 (Online Spring 2025 - 16 weeks) 

 COSC 1436-42201   Programming 1 (Lecture Spring 2025)
 COSC 1437-81301   Programming 2 (Online Fall 2024 - 2nd 8 weeks)
COSC 2436-42700   Programming 3 (Spring 2025)
 COSC 2425  Assembly Language (Summer 2024)

 Past Projects

Lingo Cat iPhone App - Learn Spanish and English.  This has been many years of work.  I developed many unique activities not found in any other app.

BB-8 - Fully functional BB-8. Making a 5 pound dome float on top of a spinning sphere is crazy difficult.  Here is my build video.

Build a Line Following Robot - Instruction on how to build an Arduino based line following robot.


This web site is used by David Kirk of Dallas College/Eastfield Campus.  It's purpose is to give my future, current, and former students access to online books, videos, and other resources used in my classes.  The official web site for classes is