Please demo the program to the instructor during lab or upload the .java file to Ecampus.

Create a program that reads in flora.csv and creates a hash table.  The main program should be in a loop that allows the following options:

(1) Search for a flora - Let the user enter the flora name and it outputs whether or not the flora was found.  If found, output the family name.
(2) Add a new flora - Let the user enter the name and family of a new flora to be added.
(3) Delete a flora - Let the user enter the flora name.  If found, delete it.  If not found, let the user know.
(4) Exit the program

Below is an example run:

30703 flora read into hashtable

1 = Search for a flora
2 = Add a new flora
3 = Delete a flora
4 = Exit
Your choice:  1

Enter flora name:  pear
This flora was found.  Family = Rosaceae

1 = Search for a flora
2 = Add a new flora
3 = Delete a flora
4 = Exit
Your choice:  2

Enter flora name:  man-eating giant tulip
Enter family name:  Carnivoceae
New flora added!