Submit the source code .java file(s) on Ecampus under the "Submit Homework" menu option.  It's o.k. to combine the three questions into one compilable java file.  Please do not zip the file(s) - you can upload multiple files in a single submission.

1. Create a program that prints the following ASCII art to the console:

              ___.-~"~-._   __....__
            .'    `    \ ~"~        ``-.
           /` _      )  `\              `\
          /`  a)    /     |               `\
         :`        /      |                 \
    <`-._|`  .-.  (      /   .            `;\\
     `-. `--'_.'-.;\___/'   .      .       | \\
  _     /:--`     |        /     /        .'  \\
 ("\   /`/        |       '     '         /    :`;
 `\'\_/`/         .\     /`~`=-.:        /     ``
   `._.'          /`\    |      `\      /(
                 /  /\   |        `Y   /  \
           jgs  J  /  Y  |         |  /`\  \
               /  |   |  |         |  |  |  |
              "---"  /___|        /___|  /__|
                     '"""         '"""  '"""

2. Create a program that declares the following variable:

String Sentence = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.";

Using string methods, have your program calculate and print the following information:

Original Sentence:                 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Uppercase:                         THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG.
Length of Sentence:                44
Number of words:                   9
Contains the word "big":           false
Contains the word "jump":          true
Ends with a period:                true
First 10 characters:               The quick
Replaced spaces with underscores:  The_quick_brown_fox_jumps_over_the_lazy_dog.

3. Create a program that asks the user to enter a dollar amount to be paid.  The program should then let the user know how many and what denominations of U.S. currency to be paid.  Always pay in the least number of bills possible.  Challenge:  Add change (pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters)

How much money do I owe you? 463

You will be paid in these denominations:
Hundred Dollar Bills = 4
Fifty Dollar Bills = 1
Twenty Dollar Bills = 0
Ten Dollar Bills = 1
Five Dollar Bills = 0
One Dollar Bills = 3