Homework 3 -
- Using Microsoft Excel, create a single file with three sheets (named Payroll, Converter,
and Lotto)
- Follow the instructions below for creating each sheet
- Name the file Your_Name_HW3 (The .xls or .xlsx file extension is automatically added)
- Submit your .xlsx file on eCampus.
- Introduction to Excel and formulas videos:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Homework 3 hints
IMPORTANT: The spreadsheets you create must contain
formulas as specified in the instructions (40% of the grade). Follow
the instructions in each section on which cells contain formulas.
1. Payroll Sheet
- For this sheet, duplicate the formatting (fonts, colors, lines) as
closely as possible
- Copy the employee names, hourly rates, and weekly hours data as shown.
Note that the first employee should be Your Name.
- The Gross Pay column are formulas that multiply the employee's
Hourly Rate by their Weekly Hours
For example, cell H6 contains this formula: =C6
* Sum(D6:G6)
- The Tax 20% column is are formulas that multiply the employee's
Gross Pay by 20%
For example, cell I6 contains this formula: =H6*0.2
- The Net Pay column is are formulas that subtract the employee's
Tax from their Gross Pay
For example, cell J6 formula is
- Totals are formulas that sum each column
- Create a chart showing the gross pay for each employee. Hint:
(1) Select the employee names, (2) press and hold the Ctrl key, (3) select
the gross pay amounts, (4) insert the column chart.
- Rename this sheet to Payroll (look at bottom of spreadsheet).
Rename the other sheets to Conversion and Lotto.
2. Converter Sheet
- This sheet has a cell (F3) for the user to
enter a number. It will perform the 12 conversions as shown using the
convert function.
- Each of the 12 conversions needs a formula.
Here are a couple to get you started:
Cell D6 contains this formula:
=CONVERT(F3, "mi", "km")
Cell H6 contains this formula:
=CONVERT(F3, "lbm", "kg")
- Format the sheet with colors, lines, shading, and pictures, but you do
not need to duplicate the exact formatting of the table shown.
- Use Google or Excel Help to find the
abbreviations for the other conversions. Note
that in old versions of Excel (before 2007), you may need to add
the Analysis Toolpak for the Convert function to work.