Java Chapter 3 - Variables

3.1 Variable Types

Below are the primitive variable types in Java. There are also wrapper classes (Chapter 6) that allow primitive variables be "wrapped" into a class.

byte    (1 byte)   -128 to 127
short   (2 bytes)  -32,768 to 32,767
int     (4 bytes)  -2.1 billion to 2.1 billion
long    (8 bytes)  -9 quintillion to 9 quintillion
float   (4 bytes)  range depends on number of places past decimal
double  (8 bytes)  range depends on number of places past decimal
boolean (1 byte)   1 or 0 (true or false)
char    (2 bytes)  any ASCII or Unicode character

3.2 Declaring and Using Variables

Below are examples of declaring and using variables.

short Value1 = 5, Value2 = 7;
int Sum = Value1 + Value2;
char MyGrade = 'A';
float Money = 5.75;
double Pi = 3.1416;
boolean Married = false;

The program below uses some of the primitive variable types.
// This Java program demonstrates some variable types

public class variables
   public static void main (String[] args)
      double Wage = 12.25, Hours = 5.5, Pay;
      char Initial = 'D';
      Pay = Wage * Hours;

      System.out.println(Initial + " gets paid $" + Pay);
D gets paid $67.375

3.3 Mathematical Operations

The basic mathematical operations are addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/), and modulus (%).  The table below demonstrates these operations.

Java Mathematical Operations
Code Output Comments
System.out.print(5 + 2 * 3); 11 Java follows the order of operations.
System.out.print(20 % 7); 6 Modulus gives you the remainder in a division.  When you divide 20 by 7, then 6 is the remainder.
System.out.print(3 / 2);

System.out.print(3.0 / 2.0);


Remember to use decimal points in division.
int A = 5;
6 ++ is a shortcut to increment a variable. 
A++ is the same as A = A + 1
int B = 5;
4 -- is a shortcut to decrement a variable.
B-- is the same as B = B - 1
int C = 5;
10 This is the same as C = C + 5
int C = 5;
25 This is the same as C = C * 5
double A = 2.5;
int B = (int)A;
2 When converting from one variable type to another, you may need to cast (int).

3.4 String Class

In Java, strings are represented as an instance of a class.  Below is an example of declaring and using a string.

String Name = "Joshua";
System.out.println("My name is " + Name);

There are many methods for the string class.  Some of these are demonstrated in the program below.
// This Java program demonstrates some of the string methods

public class stringdemo
   public static void main(String[] args)
      String S1 = "lemon", S2 = "lime", S3 = " CHIPS ";

      System.out.println("1. Length of S1 = " + S1.length());
      System.out.println("2. Character at position 3 of S1 = " + S1.charAt(3));
      System.out.println("3. " + S2.toUpperCase());
      System.out.println("4. I like " + S3.trim().toLowerCase() + " and salsa");
      System.out.println("5. Location of 'o' in S1 = " + S1.indexOf('o'));
      System.out.println("6. Substring Example: " + S3.substring(3,5));
      System.out.println("7. Replace Example: " + S1.replace("emo","iste"));
1. Length of S1 = 5
2. Character at position 3 of S1 = o
4. I like chips and salsa
5. Location of 'o' in S1 = 3
6. Substring Example: HI
7. Replace Example: listen

Below is a list of the string methods.  Assume the following declaration:

String A = "apple", B = "orange", C = "pear,grape", Age="21";

String Methods
Method Result Description
A.length() 5 The length of A
A.equals(B) false True if the two strings are equal
A.equalsIgnoreCase(B) false Same as above but ignores the case
A.compareTo(B) -14 If A < B, returns < 0; If A == B; returns 0; If A > B, returns > 0
A.compareToIgnoreCase(B) -14 Same as above, but ignores the case
A.startsWith("ap") true True if A begins with "ap"
A.endsWith("x") false True if A ends with "x"
A.contains("pp") true True if A contains "pp"
A.indexOf("p") 1 Location of first occurrence of "p"
A.indexOf("e",3) 4 Location of first occurrence of "e" at or after position 3
A.lastIndexOf("p") 2 Location of last occurrence of "p"
A.lastIndexOf("p",1) 1 Location of last occurrence of "p" at or before position 1
Getting Parts
B.charAt(3) n Character at position 3
B.substring(1) range Substring from position 1 to end
B.substring(1,4) ran Substring from position 1 to before position 4
String[] Parts =
Splits a string using the specified delimiter (e.g. a comma).  The parts are placed into an array.
B.toUpperCase() ORANGE Converts to all uppercase
B.toLowerCase() orange Converts to all lowercase
B.trim() orange Removes leading and trailing spaces
B.replace("an","xx") orxxge Replace all "an" substrings with "xx"
int Age = 21;
String MyAge =
21 Convert an integer to a string

3.5 Arrays

Arrays are used to store multiple values in a single variable.  To declare and initialize an array in one line, you can do the following:

double[] HourlyWage = {17.25, 20.75, 22.0, 18.55, 20.0};

To access individual elements in the array:

HourlyWage[0] += 1.0;              // Makes first element 18.25
HourlyWage[1] = HourlyWage[4];     // Makes second element 20.0

To declare a 10 element array without initializing:

int[] SomeNumber = new int[10];    // Besides variables, it can be an array of objects

To declare a 10x10 multidimensional array:

int[][] World = new int[10][10];   // 100 total integer variables declared in 2-diminsional array

Below is a program that steps through each element of an array using a loop.  Notice use of the array.length variable.
public class array
   public static void main (String[] args)
      double[] HourlyWage = {17.25, 20.75, 22.0, 18.5, 20.0};
      for(int i=0; i<HourlyWage.length; i++)