Chapter 2 - CPU Instruction Cycle

2.1  CPU Instruction Cycle   Wiki

Most computers follow the von Neumann architecture which consists of a CPU (including Control Unit and Arithmetic Logic Unit), memory, mass storage, input, and output.  The instruction cycle (also known as the fetch-decode-execute cycle) is the basic operation process of a CPU in a von Neumann architecture computer.

CPU Components used in the Instruction Cycle

Component Abbreviation Function
Program Counter PC A register that stores the memory address of the instruction that is next to execute.  It is incremented for every instruction.
Memory Address Register MAR Holds the address of the memory to read or write
Memory Data Register MDR Holds data fetched from memory or data waiting to be stored in memory
Current Instruction Register CIR Holds the instruction that is fetched from memory
Accumulator AC A register that holds intermediate ALU results
Control Unit CU Decodes and coordinates executing the instruction in the IR
Arithmetic Logic Unit ALU Performs mathematical and logical operations

CPU Instruction Cycle Steps

Step Description
Fetch The next instruction located at the PC address is fetched and loaded into the IR.  Afterwards, the PC is incremented to point to the next instruction.
Decode The CU determines what operands are needed and stores them in the appropriate registers.
Execute The CU executes the instruction.  The ALU is used for logic or arithmetic.

The simplified animation below allows you to step through the instruction cycle steps and see how the different components work together.  On the right is a block of memory that contains both instructions (100 - 102) and data (106 - 107).  These three instructions add 18 and 24 then stores the result into address 108.

CPU Instruction Cycle Image


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Next >

  Step 1/22:  PC (Program Counter) loaded with address of first instruction


2.2  Microcode

CPU machine language instructions can be implemented directly in the control unit (hardwired) or by small programs stored permanently in the CPU called microcode.  Microcode are programs that translate complex machine language instructions into simpler steps.  You can also think of microcode as programs for the logic gates.  Microcode will allow simple architecture CPU's to emulate more powerful architectures with wider word length.  Often, simple machine language instructions are hardwired and more advanced ones that require a series of steps are microcoded.


Interrupts alter the normal flow of instruction execution.

Hardware Interrupts are used by devices when they require attention from the Operating System.  These include keyboard and mouse input.  The act of initiating a hardware interrupt is called an interrupt request (IRQ).  A Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC) receives the IRQ's and sends them to the CPU.  The IRQ is followed by a number designating what devices requested it.  In older x86 systems, IRQ numbers might need to be manually configured so that hardware devices don't conflict with each other.  In newer x86 systems, an Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller (APIC) is used which adds support for multi-core CPU's.

When a hardware interrupt occurs, the CPU will push the registers for the current program onto the stack.  The code for the interrupt is loaded and executed.  After it's finished, the stack is popped and the original program continues.

Software Interrupts are created by the CPU itself.  A divide-by-zero will throw an interrupt that will be caught by the Operating System which decides what to do.  C++ and Java have the try/catch instruction that interrupts normal execution.

2.4  Instruction Pipelining

Pipelining attempts to keep every bit of the CPU busy by overlapping instructions.  Typically, each part of an instruction takes one clock cycle.  There are limitations to pipelining since many instructions will depend on the results of the previous instruction.  Below is a basic 5-Stage Pipeline.

5-Stage Pipeline

  Clock Cycle 1 Clock Cycle 2 Clock Cycle 3 Clock Cycle 4 Clock Cycle 5 Clock Cycle 6 Clock Cycle 7
Instruction 1




Memory Access


Instruction 2  




Memory Access


Instruction 3    




Memory Access


Instruction 4      




Memory Access
Instruction 5        




 CISC versus RISC

A complex instruction set computer (CISC) is a CPU that handles advanced operations.  The larger instruction set allows the programmer to use more complex instructions therefore taking fewer lines of assembly code.  The complex instructions may take multiple clock cycles to execute.  The x86 CPU's are CISC.

A reduced instruction set computer (RISC) is a CPU that uses simpler instructions that take just one clock cycle.  RISC CPU's are less complicated with the instructions being more optimized.  They typically have more registers meaning less memory reads and writes.  Pipelining is also more optimized on RISC.  RISC is used in some mainframe CPU's along with Apple and Android smart phone CPU's.