Chapter 15 - Bells & Whistles
15.1 Color Output
Color output in the command prompt is done by printing ANSI escape sequences.
For Windows 10, you may need to enable the ANSI escape sequences since they are disabled by default. It can be enabled with the following registry modification (run from the command prompt as administrator):
reg add HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console /v VirtualTerminalLevel /t REG_DWORD /d 0x00000001 /f
colors.asm |
format PE console include '' ;======================================= section '.code' code readable executable ;======================================= start: call printRed cinvoke printf, "This is Red%c", 10 call printGreen cinvoke printf, "This is Green%c", 10 call printYellow cinvoke printf, "This is Yellow%c", 10 call printBlue cinvoke printf, "This is Blue%c", 10 call printPurple cinvoke printf, "This is Purple%c", 10 call printCyan cinvoke printf, "This is Cyan%c", 10 call printWhite cinvoke printf, "This is White%c", 10 call printDefault cinvoke printf, "This is Default Gray%c", 10 invoke getch printCLS: ;clears the screen cinvoke printf, "%c[2J%c[1;1H",27,27 ret printCLS2: ;printCLS may not work on Win11 cinvoke printf, "%c[1J%c[H",27,27 ret printRed: cinvoke printf, "%c[31;1m",27 ret printGreen: cinvoke printf, "%c[32;1m",27 ret printYellow: cinvoke printf, "%c[33;1m",27 ret printBlue: cinvoke printf, "%c[34;1m",27 ret printPurple: cinvoke printf, "%c[35;1m",27 ret printCyan: cinvoke printf, "%c[36;1m",27 ret printWhite: cinvoke printf, "%c[37;1m",27 ret printDefault: cinvoke printf, "%c[0m",27 ret ;==================================== section '.idata' import data readable ;==================================== library msvcrt,'msvcrt.dll',kernel32,'kernel32.dll' import msvcrt,printf,'printf',scanf,'scanf',getch,'_getch' |
Output |
is Red This is Green This is Yellow This is Blue This is Purple This is Cyan This is White This is Default Gray |
15.2 Beep Beep
You can use the Beep functions to create tones on the PC speaker. You need to import the Beep function. It takes two parameter: frequency in hertz and duration in milliseconds.
beeps.asm |
format PE console include '' ;======================================= section '.code' code readable executable ;======================================= start: cinvoke printf, "Use the Beep function to make tones%c",10 cinvoke printf, "You need to import Beep from kernel32%c",10 cinvoke printf, "1st parameter is frequency in hertz%c",10 cinvoke printf, "2nd parameter is duration in milliseconds%c",10 invoke Beep, 660, 300 invoke Beep, 733, 300 invoke Beep, 825, 300 invoke Beep, 880, 500 invoke getch ;==================================== section '.idata' import data readable ;==================================== library msvcrt,'msvcrt.dll',kernel32,'kernel32.dll' import msvcrt,printf,'printf',getch,'_getch' import kernel32, Beep, 'Beep' |
Output |
the Beep function to make tones You need to import Beep from kernel32 1st parameter is frequency in hertz 2nd parameter is duration in milliseconds |