Homework 2 - HTML

Please watch my video on how to create a simple HTML web page.

Upload ALL the files (html file, 4 image files, mp3 file) to Ecampus.

Create an HTML web page with the following components:

1. A centered heading : "<your name>'s Future Pets"
2. A description of two different animals you would like to have as a pet.  Explain why you would like to have this animal as a pet.  Talk about its diet and other habits.
3. A picture of each of the animals.  When you hover your mouse over each picture, it will change to a different picture of the same animal.
4. At least two hyperlinks.
4. Bold, italics, underline, and a border around some text.
5. An mp3 song or sound clip.  You can record something yourself or find one on the Internet.  Here is a web site you could use:  FreeMusicPublicDomain.com